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Western Stemmed Crescent CAST

A new cast in 2024, molded from the authentic original artifact found in Malheur County, Oregon. It is an excellent example of the tool type known as a Crescent, which has several subtypes. Crescents can vary between curved "lunate" forms to rectangles, and are typically under 3 inches across.  This example would fall within the "butterfly" or winged typed, which is more rare than the lunate. The exact function of these tools is unknown, and they are found within the Western Stemmed Tradition of of Great Basin, with some occassional association with Clovis Culture(Fenn Cache for example).  The dates are usually considered to be around 9 to 11,000 BP(Paleo to Early Archaic), but that occasional association with Clovis could push that date back to 12,000 or more. The range centers around the Black Rock Desert in the Great Basin,  from Nevada, Oregon, California, to Utah.  

 It measure 6.4cm/2.5 inches across, 3.5cm width, and 6mm thick.  The offset wings would first give the impression of resharpening, but this piece is perfectly symmetrical with bifacial flakes from all angles.  Bifacial stone tools usually indicate use for cutting, sawing, or projectile points, while unifacial tools and steep edges usually indicated scraping and chiseling.  Personal communication with archaeologist John Kiernan helped confirm this view, as his research and experimentation of this type reveals evidence of hafting and even possible impact damage.  Finds in proximity to water, and evidence of grouse blood proteins further steers toward possible use as projectile point and knife.  Experiments have already shown these work well as hafted cutting tools, and further experiments continue to test as projectile points.(Cast copyright Occpaleo 2024)

Western Stemmed Crescent CAST

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